On October 11th, the Montgomery County Commissioners endorsed a $1 million dollar commitment to supporting families impacted by domestic violence by contributing funding to Project CARE (Childcare Access for Recovery Equity). Play & Learn partners with the domestic violence agency, Laurel House, the Prothonotary Office, and the Court Care program to provide this programming.
Our CEO, Kim Follett, attended the event and said a few words regarding the initiative:
“When families in crisis have access to childcare funding without needing to meet the typical work requirements for childcare subsidized funding, the survivor has time to heal, recover, find sustainable work, and remain independent from their abuser. Montgomery County leadership in the management of ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funding has most certainly invested in the well-being of these families and has grown the capacity for our County’s community-based organizations to work together in building a stronger community.”
Here at Play & Learn, we are proud to offer this program to the community and grateful for all of the partnerships that make it possible.
To read more about the event, click here.