Thanks to our wonderful communitiy of families, teachers, directors, and all involved with Play & Learn, our centers’ GivingTuesday drives were a huge success! Throughout our centers, donations were collected for food drives, clothing drives, and local organizations that support children and families. Read on the learn about the impact some of our centers had!
Blue Bell

Blue Bell collected food and nonperishables for the Mattie N. Dixon Food Cupboard. Preschoolers made the giving tree, and as items were donated they added their handprints to the tree!

At our Hatboro center, nonperishable items were donated to create H.A.T. Packs. These packs provide breakfast, lunch, snack, and beverage items to school children and their siblings who face food insecurity when school is not in session. Children placed leaves on the tree as they made donations!
Fort Washington: Infant/Toddler
This GivingTree is located at our Fort Washington: Infant/Toddler center, where the community donated to the Seeds of Hope food pantry. Classrooms created handprint leaves, and as donations rolled in, families got to add a handprint leaf to the tree!


On the left side of this photo, you can see the leaves the Collegeville GivingTree poking out from behind the many donations! This center donated to Mission Kids, a child advocacy organization. Donations consisted of teddy bears, snacks, and bottled water.
Bryn Mawr

Our Bryn Mawr center hosted a drive for St. Edmond’s Home for Children. Community members donated diapers, wipes, clothing for young boys, and hair accessories for young girls. At this center, items were listed on the tree, and families picked their donation items by taking a leaf!
Preschool students at our Royersford center helped create their GivingTree by tracing and cutting out the leaves! Nonperishables and canned goods were collected for the Open Door Ministry Food Pantry.

Thank you to everyone who made this GivingTuesday such a great one! We are so grateful that our school communities came together and harnessed creativity and kindess to Grow our GivingTrees.