Transitioning to Kindergarten from an early learning program can be daunting for children and parents. Starting this chapter includes so much change, such as a new physical environment, new people, and new routines. Change can feel scary, but it’s a good thing too! This transition to kindergarten means that you and your child are growing and learning together. Below, we will discuss some of the changes that can accompany transitioning to kindergarten and share a guide to help you make this transition as seamless as possible!
Some of the major changes that children face as they start kindergarten are:
- A change in their physical environment
- A change in the behavior that is expected of them in their new role as a kindergarten student
- Changes regarding the people around them such as:
- New peers
- New teacher/authority figure
The above changes are what makes the kindergarten transition challenging, but with preparation and communication, families can be confident and ready to start this new journey.

In order to prepare yourself and your child for the upcoming school year, here are a few things you can do:
- Know what to expect when it comes to kindergarten registration; research this process and make sure you are ready to enroll your child.
- Discuss what this transition will mean with your child; explain that they will be entering a new environment, meeting new people, etc. in order to prepare them and let them know you are there to support them through this change.
- Become involved with your child’s early learning program and new school; for example, talk to your child’s current teachers in order to better understand how you can help your child get ready for kindergarten, offer to help with in school programming such as a “room parent” role, etc. Your presence and knowledge of these programs will enable you to support your child in the best way possible.
Again, we know this change can be tough, but we at Play & Learn are here for you and want you and your child to succeed! Speak to your child’s teachers and refer to the following links for more information on transitioning to kindergarten.
For some books about transitioning to kindergarten, click here!
For some tips on how to prepare for the first day of school, click here!